Ping Pong, Blackboard, Moodle, Cambro, Fronter,. Dokeos, Edulink, Egate, Klickportalen K3 etc. Exempel på vilka universitet som använder de olika LMS.


LMS systems seem to be widely used in Nordic education and there is a clear has found that the Swedish-developed system PingPong ( is 

Log into PING PONG User name: Password: Forgot your password? Vänd dig alltid till din lokala Ping Pong-administratör. Inloggning i Ping Pong. Elever och pedagogisk personal loggar in med samma användarnamn i Ping Pong som till kommunens nät.

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You can get a new password for your PING PONG account here. Please enter your username or email address and click Get new password.A new password will be created and While fitness is my wife, Ping Pong is the love of my life. I do health counseling by virtue of my profession and Ping Pong advising by that of my passion. I have been crazy about it ever since my childhood. I wished to follow my passion into the Ping Pong land but my family wasn’t really sure about it. Ping-Pong Paddles, or Table Tennis Rackets, are laminated rubber sponge covered wooden rackets comprised of a blade and a handle.


Skola- hem. elever- elever. LMS. Learning. Management.

Play the Pong arcade game online for free with the original sounds Welcome to our collection of classic and customized Pong games. Pong is one of the first video games ever created, and due to its minimalistic ingenuity, it played a big part in boosting game industry in 70s.

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Studium replaces Gotlands Moodle, the current installation of Ping Pong and parts of the Student Portal.

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Action mode adds custom rules into each round. PING PONG is the Learning Management System used for web-based education at the University of Borås.
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Please enter your username or email address and click Get new password.A new password will be created and While fitness is my wife, Ping Pong is the love of my life.
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E-learning för företag, organisationer, myndigheter och skola.‎Om Ping Pong AB · ‎Nyheter från Ping Pong · ‎Kontakta oss · ‎Jobba hos oss

En fråga som finns i luften är:  Vår lärplattform PING PONG hjälper organisationer inom både offentlig sektor Virtual Learning Environment, LMS, Learning Content Management System,  Budgetåret 2017 omfattar avtalet med Ping Pong AB: klargöra och säkerställa att GU och PIL kan köpa SUNET-tjänsten LMS (som blir resultatet av den. av M Andersson · 2011 — Eftersom. Fronter och Ping Pong är ett LMS beskrivs det nedan vad som karaktäriserar ett LMS och varför det ska användas som en molntjänst.

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Campus Gotlands Moodleinstallation, Studentportalen och Ping Pong. En lärplattform (Learning management system, LMS) kan beskrivas som ett 

Smart Surface Developed by MIT in the late 90's Doro Ping-Pong larm.